Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Emiline's Review of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
by J. K. Rowling
Review by Emiline

     Harry Potter has been warned by the Malfoy's house elf, Dobby, that he mustn't go back to Hogwarts, because the Chamber of Secrets has been opened, but Harry longs to see his friends because he is stuck at the Dursley's.  Harry ignores Dobby's warning and returns to Hogwarts.  Danger strikes, someone is turning Hogwart students into stone, and the Chamber of Secrets has been opened by the heir of Slytherin.  Who is the Heir of Slytherin?  Draco?  Or who everyone thinks--  Harry Potter?  And who is turning everyone to stone?

     I love J. K. Rowling's way with words.  She describes the people and places as if she's really there!  She's a stunning writer.  My favorite new character in this book is Fawkes the Phoenix.  I also loved  how J. K. Rowling had a young Tom Riddle, but to find out more about that read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

If I could give the whole series 1,000 out of 1,000 MONSTERS I would, but it only goes up to 5, so I give Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
This book is for people who believe in MAGIC.

Marsh and me in the castle.
Me and my mom at Hagrid's.

 Visit Scholastic to find out more about this series:

Guess what? Pottermore is finally open!! So make sure you sign up.


  1. do you guys have Pottermore accounts?? If you do, what are your usernames? I'll friend you!

    1. Silverpool,
      Yaaay~ a friend on pottermore or in a mature way,yes ma'am! My user name is FeatherRose26502 and Marsh's is CloakEye9659. I'll check my owl!

    2. Great! I've just sent a request! I'm WolfWild26455, by the way!
